In 2020, 275 households in Knowle West took part in a 'Digital Inclusion' survey delivered to every door (5,500 KW homes).

The survey asked questions about how people use, access and feel about the internet and technologies such as smartphones/laptops etc. In turn, creating new information that could help people who live and work in Knowle West to better understand and improve digital access.

Maybe you completed the survey in 2020 and have been wondering what the results were? Or just curious to find out more.

Play Clickety Click to see if you can guess the answers.

The Broadway Bingo Club, circa 1970

Almost There...

Prepare to experience the authentic bingo hall environment and gain an insight into the survey's findings.

Voice over by Club 3000 Broadwalk Bingo caller and Knowle West resident Mike Pratt. Designed and built by artist and designer Radley Cook with web development support from Chris Caple. Project commissioned by KWMC, with support from Bristol City Council and the University of Bristol. The Digital inclusion survey was co-designed by Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) in partnership with researchers from the Bristol Digital Futures Institute at the University of Bristol (UoB).

Knowle West Media Center Bristol City Council Arts Council England University of Bristol

Stop and Run...

Don't fancy it right now? You can skip the quiz and access additional help, support and view the University of Bristol's emergent findings document.